In this tutorial i am going to create a very simple command line application using nodeJs, Nodejs provide great flexibility to create command line application, express-geenrator and nodemon are the best CLI example in nodeJs.
I am going to create a custom command line HelloCli application where i’ll run hello [GIVEN_NAME] in terminal and it’ll return message in terminal like this:-
How are you..!!
Ok Lets start the tutorial step by step
Create your application package.json file
{ "name": "HelloCLI", "version": "10.0.1", "description": "First CLI App", "dependencies": {}, "bin": { "hello": "hellocli.js" } } |
"bin": { "hello": "hellocli.js" } |
This syntax help node to execute given file like command, So hellocli.js is your custom command file & hello is your custom command you’ll run on terminal
"bin": { "COMMAND_NAME": "FILE_NAME" } |
After that create your CLI file
#!/usr/bin/env node console.log("Hello, ",process.argv[2]); console.log("How are you"); |
Note: Don’t forget to include #!/usr/bin/env node on the top of the page, this one line tells system that it’s a batch file and act like command.
Now install your command global by running below command.
See below screen shot for output in action.
Thanks 🙂