Image cropper for Angular – ngx-image-cropper

Are you looking for Image cropper plugin for your Angular App then here i am going to share an cool image cropper for Angular, which you can use to crop images for better profile pic visibility.
examImage cropper for Angular


Install component via NPM

npm install ngx-image-cropper --save


Add the element to your HTML:


Add the ImageCropperModule to the imports of the module which will be using the Image Cropper.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ImageCropperModule } from 'ngx-image-cropper';
    imports: [
    declarations: [
    exports: [
    providers: [
export class YourModule {

And add this to your ts file:

import { ImageCroppedEvent } from 'ngx-image-cropper';
export class YourComponent {
    imageChangedEvent: any = '';
    croppedImage: any = '';
    fileChangeEvent(event: any): void {
        this.imageChangedEvent = event;
    imageCropped(event: ImageCroppedEvent) {
        this.croppedImage = event.base64;
    imageLoaded() {
        // show cropper
    cropperReady() {
        // cropper ready
    loadImageFailed() {
        // show message

HERE are the list of methods you can use to customize the angular image cropper.

Name Type Default Description
imageChangedEvent FileEvent The change event from your file input (set to null to reset the cropper)
imageFileChanged Blob(File) The file you want to change (set to null to reset the cropper)
imageBase64 string If you don’t want to use a file input, you can set a base64 image directly and it will be loaded into the cropper
format string png Output format (png, jpeg, webp, bmp, ico) (not all browsers support all types, png is always supported, others are optional)
outputType string both Output type (‘base64’, ‘file’ or ‘both’). Converting the image to a Blob can be quite a heavy operation. With this option, you could choose to only get the base64 which will improve the speed of cropping significantly
aspectRatio number 1 / 1 The width / height ratio (e.g. 1 / 1 for a square, 4 / 3, 16 / 9 …)
maintainAspectRatio boolean true Keep width and height of cropped image equal according to the aspectRatio
containWithinAspectRatio boolean false When set to true, padding will be added around the image to make it fit to the aspect ratio
resizeToWidth number 0 (disabled) Cropped image will be resized to this width (in px)
resizeToHeight number 0 (disabled) Cropped image will be resized to this height (in px) (will be ignored if resizeToWidth is set)
cropperMinWidth number 0 (disabled) The cropper cannot be made smaller than this number of pixels in width (relative to original image’s size) (in px)
cropperMinHeight number 0 (disabled) The cropper cannot be made smaller than this number of pixels in height (relative to original image’s size) (in px) (will be ignored if maintainAspectRatio is set)
onlyScaleDown boolean false When the resizeToWidth is set, enabling this option will make sure smaller images are not scaled up
cropper CropperPosition To be able to overwrite the cropper coordinates, you can use this input. Create a new object of type CropperPosition and assign it to this input. Make sure to create a new object each time you wish to overwrite the cropper’s position and wait for the cropperReady event to have fired.
roundCropper boolean false Set this to true for a round cropper. Resulting image will still be square, use border-radius: 100% on resulting image to show it as round.
imageQuality number 92 This only applies when using jpeg or webp as output format. Entering a number between 0 and 100 will determine the quality of the output image.
autoCrop boolean true When set to true, the cropper will emit an image each time the position or size of the cropper is changed. When set to false, you can call the crop method yourself (use @ViewChild to get access to the croppers methods).
alignImage ‘left’ or ‘center’ ‘center’ Use this to align the image in the cropper either to the left or center.
backgroundColor string Use this to set a backgroundColor, this is useful if you upload an image of a format with transparent colors and convert it to ‘jpeg’ or ‘bmp’. The transparent pixels will then become the set color or the default value. Enter a color HashCode or one of known HTML color names (

See live demo and download source code.

This awesome script developed by alvarotrigo, Visit their official github repository for more information and follow for future updates.

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