This tutorial about importing and exporting database command line superfast. If you have big mysql database and you try to import, you may feel lot’s of trouble in regular method and it also takes too much time to upload from local to server then running queries. But recently I tried command line method to upload database on server and then import 2GB big sql file with in 5 minute.
You can use command line method if you have full control of your server like you have your VPS or cloud server.
First copy the sql file on server by SSH of any other method, I prefer to use SSH because it is more secure and fast to copying files from local computer to server.
Importing sql files command line
mysql -u [Database_username] -p [Database_name] < Sql_file.sql |
-u: Database user name
-p: Databse name where you have to run import.
After running above command it’ll ask database password and hit enter.
Exporting sql files command line
mysqldump -u [Database_username] -p [Database_name] > backup_database.sql |
-u: Database user name
-p: Databse name where you have to run export and take backup.
After running above command it’ll ask database password and hit enter.
Exporting sql files command line In compress format(.sql.gz)
mysqldump -u [Database_username] -p [Database_name] | gzip > backup_database.sql.gz |