50 Popular jQuery Calendar Plugins

Are you looking for jQuery Calendar Plugins for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated jQuery Calendar Plugins. You can use these popular jQuery Calendar Plugins to make your web application more awesome.

S.No. Name Short Description Popularity
(Likes) 1 CLNDR :calendar: a jQuery calendar plugin that uses HTML templates 2.8k 2 jquery-timepicker A javascript timepicker plugin for jQuery inspired by Google Calendar. 1.8k 3 Calendario A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars. 662 4 Zebra_Datepicker A super-lightweight, highly configurable, cross-browser date picker / time picker jQuery plugin 321 5 calendar This library is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that lets you add a month calendar to your web page. 307 6 Multiple-Dates-Picker-for-jQuery-UI MDP is a little plugin that enables jQuery UI calendar to manage multiple dates. 249 7 jQueryTimeAutocomplete jQuery autocomplete plugin that works with times. Works basically the same as Google Calendars time input when you ad… 116 8 calendar-bundle This bundle allows you to integrate the jQuery FullCalendar plugin into your Symfony2 application. 99 9 jquery_datepicker Rails 3 plugin that allows you to select dates from a calendar 92 10 ion.calendar Calendar and Datepicker jQuery plugin 89 11 pg-calendar :calendar: beautiful and eidetic date picker 82 12 calendars jQuery World Calendars Plugin 72 13 fullcalendar-rails-engine Rails engine implementation of fullcalendar jQuery plugin(http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/). Create, edit, delete, res… 68 14 e-calendar jQuery plugin for create a calendar with events. 61 15 jquery-gcal-flow jQuery Google Calendar Flow plugin 56 16 jquery.graspSchedule.js jQuery graspSchedule.js is a simple jQuery calendar plugin used to visualize complex schedules & events, a little sim… 55 17 wdCalendar wdCalendar is a jquery based google calendar clone. Based on http://www.web-delicious.com/jquery-plugins-demo/wdCalen… 51 18 calendar js日历控件,jquery多选日期插件 50 19 jqm-calendar Simple iOS-style calendar plugin for jQuery Mobile for both showing activities or picking dates 33 20 fullcalendar-Jalaali Full-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin) http://fullcalendar.io 31 21 mobile-calendar :calendar:A mobile calender plugin.(jQuery手机移动端日历日期选择) 27 22 jquery-datepicker A full-featured datepicker jquery plugin 27 23 GoogleCalReader-jquery-plugin jQuery plugin to read from a public Google calendar 26 24 Play-20-Sample-FullCalendar-Java Implementation of FullCalendar jQuery plugin in Play 2.0 as a sample application 26 25 bangla-calendar jQuery plugin to display Time-Stamp, based on Bangla Calendar 21 26 DCalendar JQuery calendar plugin plus date picker for input fields. 19 27 jQuery-fullCalendar-iPad-drag-drop Plugin to support drag/drop on iPad for jQuery fullCalendar 18 28 jQuery-Range-Calendar jQuery Range Calendar plugin. 17 29 flat_calendar A jQuery plugin for implementing a flat calendar on your website. Visit http://ericwenn.se/frameworks/flatmin/calendar/… 17 30 jMonthCalendar jMonthCalendar is a full month calendar that supports events written as a jQuery plugin, supports drag and drop and m… 14 31 calendar jQuery plugin for a simple calendar, much like the GitHub contribution chart, to show daily contributions 14 32 jquery-localized-datepicker Support localized numbers in the jQuery Calendars plugin by Keith Wood (http://keith-wood.name/calendars.html) 12 33 pretty-calendar A jQuery plugin for generating pretty calendars. 10 34 bonfire_calendar Calendar Module for Bonfire using FullCalendar jQuery PlugIn 10 35 jquery-plugins jQuery plugins: BS calendar & datepicker, auto form filler, css grid float top, lazy & ajax pagination 10 36 SuperCal Twitter Bootstrap calendar widget/full view calendar plugin for jQuery 9 37 jQuery.gcal A Jquery Plugin for getting a google calendar feed from url 9 38 simple-calendar Simple calendar jquery plugin 8 39 roundcube-calendar RoundCube Calendar is a calendar plugin for RoundCube Webmail. The calendar is based on jQuery fullcalendar. 8 40 jQuery.calendar “Simple Calendar” plugin for jQuery. 6 41 google-calendar-events jQuery plugin that fetches up-to-date Google Calender information on the client-side. 6 42 calmosaic A jQuery plugin to display a calendar heatmap like Github’s contributions timeline. 6 43 react-timetable A calendar/scheduler/timetable widget written in React highly influenced by fullcalendar jQuery plugin 6 44 silverstripe-fullcalendar An extension to the Event Calendar module to render the calendar using the jQuery Full Calendar plugin. 5 45 hCalendarWidget A JavaScript widget that loads hCalendar markup from the current page and displays them in a Google Calendar-style UI… 5 46 tapestry-fullcalendar Tapestry calendar module based in jQuery Fullcalendar plugin 5 47 jquery-simpleCalendar jquery simple calendar plugin. 4 48 jquery-timepicker A plugin for jQuery (http://www.jquery.com – popular javascript library) providing google-calendar like functionality… 4 49 jquery-yacal Yet Another Calendar plugin for jQuery 3 50 wsCalendar wsCalendar – plugin for jQuery datepicker 3

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