20+ jQuery StopWatch Scripts – iamrohit.in

jQuery StopWatch Scripts – Are you looking for jQuery StopWatch Scripts, If yes then in this post I am going to share hand-picked jQuery StopWatch Scripts for you. You can use these free jQuery StopWatch Scripts in your web based projects and customize as per your need

jQuery StopWatch Scripts

Following are the list of jQuery StopWatch Scripts.

Stopwatch (JavaScript) DEMO

  Stopwatch (JavaScript)

Very basic stopwatch made in ES6 JavaScript.

Stopwatch DEMO


Inspired by a Dribbble shot from Lorenzo Perniciaro. https://dribbble.com/shots/2840735-Stopwatch-Concept

Analog Stopwatch using HTML5 Canvas DEMO

  Analog Stopwatch using HTML5 Canvas

You can see the source code here https://github.com/mudassir0909/analog-stopwatch

Stopwatch DEMO


UI of a simple stopwatch created only with CSS.

Loading stopwatch DEMO

  Loading stopwatch

Stopwatch using react DEMO

  Stopwatch using react

This is re-written Watch: Capturing Time in React example by ES6

JavaScript Stopwatch DEMO

  JavaScript Stopwatch

Vanilla JavaScrip stop watch.

SVG Interactive Stopwatch Animation DEMO

  SVG Interactive Stopwatch Animation

Made an svg stopwatch that will stop and start the time with a click of the button.

iOS 8 Stopwatch (sort of…) DEMO

  iOS 8 Stopwatch (sort of...)

Not a perfect pixel copy of iOS 8 new look of Stopwatch app, but feel free to fork and improve it. Added a simple stopwatch functionality using moment.js

CSS Stopwatch DEMO

  CSS Stopwatch

All credit to http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/make-a-stopwatch-using-css3-without-images-or-javascript I am just playing in code pen 🙂

StopWatch DEMO


Simple Responsive Stopwatch Concept DEMO

  Simple Responsive Stopwatch Concept

A simple responsive stopwatch concept. Easy to use and touch screen friendly. Also contains pure CSS play, pause and stop buttons.

CSS Stop Watch DEMO

  CSS Stop Watch

Analog StopWatch in CSS, no optimization for non webkit browsers

Stopwatch DEMO


Simple JavaScript stopwatch.

Stopwatch DEMO


A simple vanilla javascript stopwatch.

⏱️ Stopwatch ⏱️ DEMO

  ⏱️ Stopwatch ⏱️

Pure CSS stopwatch with start/pause and reset functionality. I did originally have milliseconds shown but decided to go for a cleaner, more minimalist look.

Stopwatch DEMO


An Online Stopwatch with Lap Times made with jQuery.

CSS Stopwatch with lap function DEMO

  CSS Stopwatch with lap function

A stopwatch with 4 lap timer slots which uses CSS animation @keyframes to cycle each digit in the display. It uses radio inputs for the main controls, a reset button (triggered by its label), and checkboxes for each lap timer.

Stopwatch on pure CSS3 DEMO

  Stopwatch on pure CSS3

A flat stopwatch inspired by Dribbble shot of Joaquim Marques Nielsen (https://dribbble.com/shots/366960-Stopwatch). Made using CSS animations.

Animated CSS Stopwatch DEMO

  Animated CSS Stopwatch

A scalable stopwatch made of 3 elements and CSS only

Simple Stopwatch DEMO

  Simple Stopwatch

Simple stopwatch exercise with a pause function.

React Scoreboard with Stopwatch & improvements – Teamtreehouse training DEMO

  React Scoreboard with Stopwatch & improvements - Teamtreehouse training

Team Treehouse React Basics Course. With my own improvements My improvement features: • Some Sass implementation for the Stylesheet, ’cause I like Sass

Digital Alarm / Clock / StopWatch DEMO

  Digital Alarm / Clock / StopWatch

A simple and engaging clock with jQuery digital Alarm / digital Clock / digital StopWatch

Stopwatch Counter #codevember DEMO

  Stopwatch Counter #codevember

JS stopwatch with stop logs, rebound of http://codepen.io/Tonetete/pen/fzDop

I Hope you liked Hand-picked list of jQuery StopWatch Scripts, Don’t forget to Subscribe My Public Notebook for more useful Hand-picked HTML and CSS code examples, tutorials and articles.

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